Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Have Hair, Will Travel

Summer travel season is upon us…even though your schedule maybe all over the place, there is no excuse for your fabulous to suffer.  Here are a few tips to make sure every Sunny’s Girl's look is in tip-top shape while she jet-sets.

1. Satin is Your Savior

Cotton pillowcases are the devil!  They rob your hair of precious moisture.  Pack a satin bonnet, pillowcase, or scarf in your carry-on bag to wear at night and you are guaranteed to preserve your style throughout your trip.

2. Downsize Your Goodies

Please don't rely on hotel shampoos and conditioners...unless you're staying at the Four Seasons or The Ritz J  If this is a budget or business trip you don't want to use chain hotel products and expect your usual results.  If you can't find travel size bottles of your regular products, make your own.  In the beauty section of every major drugstore there are great empty containers that you can use for all the special treats your hair loves.

3. Always Have a Back-up

A true Sunny’s Girl is never caught unprepared.  A great half-wig, ponytail, or clip-ins are a necessity when traveling.  If you need to look refreshed near the end of a long trip, any of these items will give you a quick fix and have you out of your hotel room in a breeze.

While we here at Sunny’s Hair & Wigs are all about hair we know that it doesn't rule your life.  Whether traveling for business or pleasure, the last thing anyone wants to be worried about is their hair.  Hopefully these quick and easy tips will make your next trip a good one.

Happy travels!

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